Person of Interests: Woman of Colors

35” x 26” x 24”


Token Saint Contemplating Lady Liberty, Lady Justice and Mother Earth

40” x 26” x 31”


Lately, I have developed some of the maquettes into monument-sized sculptures, as I consider the dearth of monuments dedicated to women and especially women of color.


Trayvon, What Happened?     11" x 7.5" x  9"


Witness     9" x 8" x 5"


Fakhra, Who Was Once Beautiful, III     11" x 9" x 7.5"

Fakhra, Who Was Once Beautiful, I    11" x 9.5" x 7.5" 

There, But for a Bit of Luck, Go I

Here my sculptures take a figurative form.  Trayvon represents those who have had their sons stolen.  Witness, sculpted in reaction to the Newtown massacre, deals with the mind-boggling access to assault weapons in this country.  Fakhra represents the women who have become acid victims.   

Fakhra, Who Was Once Beautiful, IV    11" x 11" x 9"

Rocks and Hard Places

16” x 26” x 18”


16” x 14” x 8”